HI, I’m Drajat 👋
HI, I’m Drajat 👋
HI, I’m Drajat 👋
UI/UX Designer
UI/UX Designer
UI/UX Designer
Designing Simplicity, Creating Beauty and Usefull for everyone

What do I Do?
UI/UX Design
My experience contains an interface design that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also comfortable for users to use.
Web Design
I have been working on web design for a long time. The use of HTML, CSS and Tailwind are the technologies that I usually use when creating a web design.
Web Design
I have been working on web design for a long time. The use of HTML, CSS and Tailwind are the technologies that I usually use when creating a web design.
What do I Do?
UI/UX Design
Pengalaman saya memuat sebuah desain tampilan antarmuka tidak hanya estetis namun juga nyaman digunakan oleh pengguna
My experience contains an interface design that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also comfortable for users to use.
My experience contains an interface design that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also comfortable for users to use.
UI/UX Design
Web Design
Web Design
Pengalaman saya pada web desain telah lama saya tekuni. Penggunaan HTML,CSS dan Tailwind adalah teknologi yang biasa saya gunakanketika membuat sebuah web desain
I have been working on web design for a long time. The use of HTML, CSS and Tailwind are the technologies that I usually use when creating a web design.
I have been working on web design for a long time. The use of HTML, CSS and Tailwind are the technologies that I usually use when creating a web design.
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